> Nitzan
> such databases and services already exist
> such as those from Xconnect and Telx
For the US at least, currently just over 10% of phones (landline and
mobile) are voip connected, carriers such as verizon, cingular, global
crossing, qwest and others have connected their PSTN customers to a voip
gateway, and rates are generally much better than if you call via the
pstn for those destinations.
Of course peering with those companies is a whole different deal, they
arent required to peer, and generally they dont want every small
wanna-be provider peering for super cheap next to free calling, but if
you are reasonably sized it shouldnt be that difficult and you can then
have a much lower termination cost.
In many situations there are enum servers that are used to allow for
lookups given that there are porting issues and such that need to be
taken care of.
Trixter http://www.0xdecafbad.com
Bret McDanel
Belfast +44 28 9099 6461 US +1 516 687 5200
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