Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Re: [asterisk-biz] UK DID provisioning with an API

Have a look at voxbone.


SIP wrote:
> We're looking for someone who can provide provisioning for UK DIDs with
> an API. We don't get many order for them, but we do on occasion, and
> our current provider has switched (without telling anyone) from a system
> by which we'd order from them via their API and they'd return us a DID
> to provision to one in which we order from them, and eventually, they'll
> email us giving us a DID we can manually provision to the account.
> It moves away from automation, makes the customer wait (customers seem
> to hate waiting in our era of instant-gratification), and runs the risk
> of us having to take the customer's money and then refund it if the DID
> isn't REALLY available -- which looks bad. Call me old fashioned, but I
> prefer to sell things that exist rather than selling promises.
> Anyone know of a good UK DID provisioner that has a decent API?
> N.
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