Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Re: [asterisk-biz] North America Internet bandwidth

2009/9/1 Matt Riddell <lists@venturevoip.com>
Here in New Zealand we pay for national and international bandwidth.

So, we have to purchase a package for national bandwidth (i.e. 10Mbit
guaranteed - no cap) and a package for international bandwidth (i.e.
5Mbit and 100GB cap).

So that you can feel smug and superior, here in South Africa "local only" bandwidth costs at the cheapest US$2 per gigabyte (sent and received added), so a 10Mbit link "uncapped" (but not guaranteed), and if you could get such a thing) might cost something like  US$3000 per month maybe.

International bandwidth is US$8 per gigabyte or so, so 100GB cap would be US$800 per month.


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