Thursday, July 3, 2008

Re: [asterisk-biz] Nationwide DID's

Dear Jon,

You can buy Per min DID from DIDX for 99 cents with 1.2 cent a min from Level 3, or You
can buy unlimited incoming did's for 3.5$ a month also with 1 channels allowed from Verizon,
or Global Crossing in

Both are available, and your account rep can help you buy them.

We also offer upto 1000 did's at no charge for 1 year from Selected Markets for exisiting or
new service providers who want to give these numbers away to their customers at no charge
to promote their services.


> We have IP origination with three LECs that we use. DTFM is done with RFC 2833 (I could have
> the number wrong since that is just off the top of my head). There are a surprisingamountof
> shops out there that are double dipping, as in charging per port and per minute which is why I felt
> the need to specify that. What is also unstated is that you technically could offeroriginationat no
> cost at all since you still get revenue fromreciprocalcompensation from the carrier that you
> arereceivingthe call from.
> On Jul 2, 2008, at 12:00 PM, Jon Weisman wrote:
> Yea $4.50 is not bad, and it doesnt make sense to limit channels since you're charging per
> minute. Why limit your revenue right? Are you purchasing on TDM and converting to VoIP or
> is it IP to IP? Also how do you handle DTMF?
> Thanks,
> Jon

Rehan Ahmed AllahWala
Msn/Yahoo/GoogleTalk/Email: - Internet Telephony Solutions
Http:// - DID Number Market Place.
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