Friday, February 13, 2009

[asterisk-biz] Just the Fax, Ma'am


I’m soliciting testers for a new Asterisk fax product. This fax product improves upon existing Asterisk fax products by offering better multi-page performance with fewer failures, better compatibility with older fax machines, and lower bit-error rates in noisy environments.


High Degree of familiarity with Asterisk dialplan construction.

Time to test. We need people that can hop to it, and test quickly.

Ability to devote a server and some Digium boards (supplied by you and already at your disposal) and / or fax-enabled VoIP service provider accounts (also supplied by you) to the testing.

A good usage case for using fax with Asterisk.

Interested parties may e-mail me directly, responding to each of the four above qualifications. That’s my first name, my last initial, at -that’s

Parties accepted into the beta and who provide useful assistance and feedback will be compensated with a free license of the Asterisk fax product upon its release.


Malcolm Davenport
Digium, Inc. | Product Manager
445 Jan Davis Drive NW - Huntsville, AL 35806 - US
Tel: +1 256 428 6252
Fax: +1 256 864 0464

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