Friday, July 10, 2009

Re: [asterisk-biz] DID and CNAM

On Fri, Jul 10, 2009 at 2:57 PM, Alex Balashov <> wrote:
Steve Totaro wrote:

> I am a capitalist.
> If I can get a little extra money to pay my phone bill then great.
> If someone calls that number, and the caller ID is real and true, and
> they provide DNC functionality then it is not pointless or "retarded".
> How is it any different than if they call you directly to be removed
> (except you make no green)?
> Don't get your logic.....

The logic has to do with the fact that arbitrage opportunities that
exploit differences in settlement regimes across jurisdictions or
markets are short-lived and for a sustainable business model do not
make.  This is no different than CABS traffic pumping schemes or
anything else.  What all these feats of endeavour - however much or
little money they can make for the moment - have in common is that (a)
they are figments of increasingly decrepit regulation, and (b) markets
rationalise them away.  The latter happens gradually, so you see the
spreads you can capture shrink.

So, you'd be better off spending the time and energy involved in
enrolling into such a scheme developing a product that actually adds
value and can be monetised in greater perpetuity.

Dip arbitrage is a game people who do not have the ingenuity to do
something with higher ROI play.  There will always be plenty of those,
and they will always say they're just being good capitalists and taking
free money, but as we know, technology-focused capitalism is an
environment where those who know - do, and those who don't desperately
grasp for straws and/or try to find coattails to cling to (nickel and
dime vendors, pinch pennies, make money off little fees, engage in
purely speculative resale, etc.).

-- Alex

Alex Balashov
Evariste Systems
Web     :
Tel     : (+1) (678) 954-0670
Direct  : (+1) (678) 954-0671

Sorry to say that everything is shortlived.  Grab it while you can and be ready to move quickly to the next thing.

BTW, ANI dip compensation has been around a long time, so define short lived.

To list a few, dialup access (AOL for instance), sub-prime mortgages, mortgage brokering, auto industry, pagers, VCR and everything that entailed, DVD going to Blu-Ray, manufacturing in the US, call centers in the US.

You name it, I can predict when it will stop living.

Only certainties in life, are death and taxes.  It pertains to business just as much as people.

Here is a big one nobody is talking about on the lists, probably deserves a post of it's own.

Steve Totaro
+18887771888 (Toll Free)
+12409381212 (Cell)
+12024369784 (Skype)

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