Sunday, January 25, 2009

Re: [asterisk-biz] Canada -> India (Country Code 79)

Hi Matt,

At the offset, I can say DID from Ahemdabad city (+9179) is a complete NO NO.
For 1000 minutes volume you can put him as a standard retail customer, retail rates to India is anywhere from US 5.0c/min --> US10c/min depending on how you wish to take this customer.

You can check with retail rates of termination providers like RapidVox, EUROIax, Teliax n likes.

Thanks & Regards,
Mitul Limbani,
Founder & CEO,
Enterux Solutions,
The Enterprise Linux Company (TM),

On Mon 26/01/09 10:36 , "Matt Gibson" sent:
> Getting DID in India is yet illegal also I think the rate which he is
> asking is falling very much in black routes for the amount of minutes
> volume he has.
> Entertaining such customer is a choice you can take now, we wouldn't
> have.


Okay, thanks for the info - I wasn't sure as I've never dealt with routes to
this part of India. Do you/anyone know of any other solutions or rates that
could be offered?


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